
There are not much reasons for you to visit this website. Maybe the most logical reason is that you've been curious about the ending of my email address.

But: there is not much content here and the domain is primarily used by me for masked emails.

Not everyone will understand and tolerate the need for this kind of email addresses but my experience really is: the most spam that I receive is addressed to either email addresses that I used in the past on news articles (NNTP) - or their message ids (lol).

So this is the reason for me hiding my real mail address on these mailing lists.

There are currently two active email addresses used with this domain.

I do maintain a website in my free time where I try to collect this and that about some technical things like UN*X-like operating systems, networking stuff and ham radio. Have a look at it if you like.

If you need an email address to write me, there's an about page on that website where you can find another valid email address (you can usually also reply to the actually used email from that mailing list as they change not that often though).
